Friday, November 2, 2018

PIAA AAA State Championship Predictions

The last of our PAXC previews for the 2018 fall (yes, regionals will get love).  After a few years of being graced with the likes of Hoeys, Affolders, and guys like Kujdych and Brophy, its fair to say that for the first time in awhile, there is no household name in PA. Sure, Zach Kinne has come from the Midwest and shown us his incredible talent, but as we have entered the postseason, he surely has faltered. Of course, his teammate Dan McGoey is a powerhouse in his own right, returning to the Hershey course after finishing 3rd as just a sophomore. There is undoubtedly a group of PA guys who have done remarkable things on the grass and trails this fall. But, even then, we are not used to this wide open of a field. In 2017, we saw two perennial names in our sport come to do battle. There was the undefeated Pittsburgher in Noah Beveridge, who, despite having not lost, wasn't even the favorite. His eastern PA counterpart, Rusty Kujdych, had lost only to the eventual national champions from Loudon Valley, and an individual Foot Locker qualifier in Dalton Hengst. In 2016, we were graced with the arrival of Noah Affolder, who of course, went on to win the regional Foot Locker meet, and suffered his only loss of the season at Foot Locker. And lastly, we had the fortune of watching Jake Brophy secure back to back state titles over the Hoey brothers in 2015, who are, you know, professionals now.

The point I'm trying to make is that while we may not have some of the firepower up front that PA is used to, we certainly have the same amount of excitement to prepare for in just 24 hours. The team race is wide open as its been in 5+ years, and frankly, I think people are becoming just as torn on the individual race as well. I hope all of you are pumped about these races as I am. Seeing them in person is going to be a blast.  ;)

Team Race:

As we reflect back on last week's district results, every team around the top has a reason to come into this race very confident. For LaSalle, they solo'd some extremely quick times on the tough Belmont course, and Twomey looks to be getting back to his regular form back in the front of his team's lineup.

For Dwest, after a really tough struggle at Manhattan, they bounced back beautifully at the District 1 meet, scoring just 71 points, the 2nd lowest winning score in the past 5 years (CRN with 53 in 2016, eventually won the state title). They're deep through 7 guys (just look at the JV race), and Barnhill is slowly starting to move up on Sewall and Valderrabano as just a sophomore. This an extremely experienced group and is absolutely capable of running away with this thing.

The talk over North Allegheny should not be about the struggles of Zach Kinne, but rather, the fact that the Tigers comfortably beat Seneca Valley and Mount Lebabnon in a race where Kinne gave up 7 points he wouldn't normally. If Kinne runs normally, NA wins WPIALS by almost 30 points, and people would practically hand the title to NA. Frankly, I think we're in a very similar situation on the statewide scale. I think despite the talent on Dwest and LaSalle, if Kinne finishes top 3 in this race with McGoey, NA will win. People are quick to say Kinne "can't run hills" after his Cal U struggles, but people are also quick to forget how comfortably he won Foundation. The backend of NA's varsity squad has made great progress, and I think they are less and less of a liability than people make them out to be.

My next tier of teams is Unionville, Mount Lebanon, and Seneca Valley. These are the teams that on paper, aren't on the level of the 3 teams above, but all have the ability to sneak their way onto the podium. For teams like Mount Lebanon and Seneca Valley, we frankly don't know how the eastern PA teams will match up. If it just so happens that the WPIAL teams are better than we thought because they've been going up against each other all year, there is the chance that SV and Mt Lebo fight off Dwest and LaSalle for the podium. Do I think this is the case? No, its unlikely, but not impossible. More specifically though, the bounce back race for Ketler at WPIALS is super promising for SV. They almost took down North Allegheny at Foundation back when Ketler was still struggling, so this could be a big shocker. It should also be noted that Owori and Ketler have as much experience on Hershey's course as just about anyone. On the contrary, Anderson and Consentino have been lights out for Lebo. If we're following the pattern so far this year, then maybe the script will be flipped yet again between Seneca Valley and Mount Lebanon. Unionville is the big x-factor in this race. Their biggest flaw, their 5th man, will actually hurt them less at states, as it is a smaller race than District 1. Plus, their 5th man Jarrett Conway, is riding a ton of momentum and has the chance to make another jump. With the possibility of Unionville putting 3 in the top 15 of this race, if the Conway brothers replicate their district performances, Unionville could go and win this whole dang thing.

Other teams to keep an eye on are State College, Haverford Township, and Cedar Crest. State College was considered a team in AAA right behind the likes of Mt. Lebo all season, so just because we haven't seen a lot from them recently, who's to say that they still couldn't crack into the top 5? I don't think Haverford had their best day at D1's, and their mix of depth and frontrunning should not be ignored. They have a very deep pack, and Donnelly's chances for a top 15 finish aren't low. Truthfully, all of the District 1 teams should be on your radar. In years like this where D1 isn't dominant up at the front, they can usually be found putting all 5 teams in the top 9 or so. Cedar Crest deserves a shoutout because I think their win says more than just how talented they are. In gritty conditions that made some really talented teams crack in D3, despite their youth and inexperience, Cedar Crest powered through and ended up comfortably winning the district. I don't think they're primed with enough talent to finish very high in the team race, but with rain in the forecast tonight into tomorrow morning, if that course isn't in great shape, who knows, maybe they'll sneak their way towards the front.

1. North Allegheny
2. Downingtown West
3. Unionville
4. Seneca Valley
5. LaSalle College
6. Mount Lebanon
7. Haverford Township
8. State College
9. Council Rock South
10. Owen J Roberts

Individual Race:
Although much of it has been discussed, I think this race will eventually fall into the hands of the western PA guys. With that being said, the reason I put so many eastern PA teams near the front of the team race is because I expect some big time blowups from some WPIAL guys. Whether people realize it or not, I think running that Cal U course two weeks in a row for some people can really take a toll. Just look at the D3 curse back when they had to run the harder rendition of Hershey's course for districts. I don't think Walker, Sewall, and Demis quite have the fitness to hang with someone like McGoey, but of course, that's why we run the race. I think the two big names to watch here are Tyler Wirth and Brayden Harris. Wirth was 5th in this race last year, and because of few underwhelming performances this year, has gotten grossly overlooked. This dude is a beast at Hershey and could be the one kid that hangs around the front longer than everyone expects. I think Brayden Harris has quietly had one of the best seasons in Pennsylvania. He has absolutely turned it on down the home stretch of the season, winning Gettysburg, Mid-Penn's, and then eventually the D6 title. He might not as big of a name as some of these other guys, but if he trusts his fitness, I think he is absolutely capable of hanging around the top 5. Obviously, there are the other big WPIAL names to watch. Owori, Ketler, Fitch, ad Leachman will all be in the hunt for top 10 finishes. Who knows which D3 guys will show up in this one. Knepper, Wisner, Dorenkamp, and a host of others could shock us with a high finish. At the end of the day, I think a lot of people are picking against Kinne, so I'm gonna go with my gut and take his side. While he might be lacking some confidence mentally, if he gets out on that course and remembers how he ran at Foundation, he can win this state title. All I know is, whoever comes up that hill tomorrow first, is in for a life-changing experience. While track always provides some great hype, there's something about hitting that final straightaway at Hershey with the PIAA banners hanging over the fences, and the crowd going crazy, that makes it really special for the winner. Good luck to all. Cheers.

1. Zach Kinne
2. Dan McGoey
3. Christian McComb
4. Tyler Wirth
5. Noah Demis
6. Patrick Anderson
7. Cole Walker
8. Brayden Harris
9. Sam Owori
10. Christian Fitch
11. Payton Sewall
12. Seth Ketler
13. Ethan McIntyre
14. Zach Leachman
15. Chayce Macknair
16. Jack Wisner
17. Evan Dorenkamp
18. Peter Consentino
19. Mike Donnelly
20. Vincent Twomey
21. Connor Shields
22. Patrick Theveny
23. Rob O'Brien
24. Isaac Valderrabano
25. Cole Driver

-The RunningHub


  1. 1. Kinne- Won at foundation- would expect the same. Last race may just be a blessing
    2. McGoey – Kinne better bring his A++ game or it is be a win for McGoey
    3. Wirth – I have him between 3 to 5. Has had a consistent year picking him high due to 5th place finished last year.
    4. Walker- Really wanted to put him #3. He can also win this thing. Unionville top runners seem to peak at the right time.
    5. Anderson – 22nd last year to 5th. I think this is reasonable
    6. Demis – Battled in D1 and hills are his strength
    7. Sewall – Demis, Sewall and McComb – it’s really a coinflip between these 3
    8. McComb – see above
    9. McKair – Flying under the radar for someone who fished 18th last year
    10. Owari - I think he and ketler will work together to stay in the top 10.
    11. Ketler – see above
    12. Fitch – I could be worng here but he can easily be in the top 10
    13. Twoney – Coming on strong. He is the key for LaSalle win and I think he steps up
    14. Knepper – came in 32nd last year. Having a consistent season.
    15. Wisner -
    16. Isham -
    17. Koors – I think he stay swith Twoney as much as possible

    1. LaSalle - Had NA ranked #1 but last race at Belmont shows that they are ready + they are defending champs
    2. NA – Going to be close. I think LAS #5 comes in before NA #3 which with the key to victory for defensing champs
    3. DTW – I just think LaSalle top 5 is a little better than DTW top 5. Realistically, any slip up by any of the top 3 teams will be the difference
    4. Unionville – This team seems to be peaking at the right time.
    5. SV – Had this team #4 all season long. If Ketler can come on strong again, and #4 and #5 can be around 17:00ish then can they be back in title conversation

  2. 1. Downingtown West
    2. North Allegheny
    3. Unionville
    4. LaSalle
    5. State College
    6. Mount Lebanon
    7. Seneca Valley
    8. CR South


  3. 1. North Allegheny
    2. LaSalle
    3. Downingtown West
    4. Seneca Valley
    5. Unionville
    6. Haverford
    7. Mount Lebanon
    8. CR South
    9. State College
    10. Owen J. Roberts

    This one should really be close. So close that if one of the top 10 teams has one guy with a breakout race of 20 seconds faster than expected it's going to mess up a lot of predictions!

    I'm going with NA and I'm not even sure how I got there. And I'm going with them despite a few reservations: 1- Kinne suddenly became a tiny bit of a question mark. 2- Up until now I've had DTW and LaSalle in a dead heat with NA lagging behind and I hate making a late change. 3- That dreaded Foundation curse of no team winning Foundation has ever won States. (actually I'm not even sure that's still true but what the heck, it adds drama).

    But the more I looked at it the more I just think NA is a strong team with the two potentially really low sticks - which should be huge at states with the other contenders so bunched together with their 1-5's (and 6/7's too)

    LaSalle and DTW are practically identical teams and not just their varsity, both squads are leaving runners on the sidelines that could be varsity on just about every other team in the state but each others. In the end I'm giving LaSalle the slight edge over DTW.

    Then I've got Seneca Valley barely over Unionville. I picked SV for no other reason than experience at the Hershey course, which can be challenging for some the first time through and I think this is a first for the current Unionville team.

    The individual race prediction is just as tough as the team picks, it's totally up for grabs. I really like the season Walker from Unionville has had and I'm looking forward to seeing what he does in the mile during indoor/outdoor. He could definitely win this tomorrow. Anderson from Mt. Lebo should be right in the mix too. But I'm going with McGoey for the win even over his teammate Kinne who I think will be fine and will be in the mix in the home stretch.

    - RJJL

    1. I just got a lot less confident in team picks ...

      - Train

    2. I think RJJL and PAXCTF Hub are reaching with the NA pick, NA just isn't deep enough. Both LaSalle and DTW will probably put in all 7 before NA's #5 which will cost NA even more valuable points in this close one. I like Etrain's and Yifter's picks better, DTW for the win.

    3. Really RJJL? 4 of the top 4, in order.

      This guy is psychic or something.

  4. Dwest is going to win this thing with about 75 points. Their D1 performance can't be matched by any team in PA even on their best day.

  5. Individuals
    1. Dan McGoey (North Allegheny/Junior)- District 7
    2. Patrick Anderson (Mount Lebanon/Junior)- District 7
    3. Zach Kinne (North Allegheny/Senior)- District 7
    4. Cole Walker (Unionville/Junior)- District 1
    5. Christian McComb (Boyertown/Junior)- District 1
    6. Brayden Harris (Mifflin County/Sophomore)- District 6
    7. Christian Fitch (Fox Chapel/Junior)- District 7
    8. Tyler Wirth (Wallenpaupack/Senior)- District 2
    9. Payton Sewall (Downingtown West/Senior)- District 1
    10. Connor Shields (Warwick/Senior)- District 3
    11. Vincent Twomey (LaSalle/Junior)- District 12
    12. Noah Demis (North Penn/Junior)- District 1
    13. Andrew Foster (Ephrata/Senior)- District 3
    14. Zachary Leachman (Mars/Junior)- District 7
    15. Chayce Macknair (Mifflin County/Senior)- District 6
    16. Evan Dorenkamp (Manheim Township/Senior)- District 3
    17. Sam Owori (Seneca Valley/Senior)- District 7
    18. Patrick Theveny (Penncrest/Junior)- District 1
    19. Jason Cornelison (Cheltenham/Senior)- District 1
    20. Seth Ketler (Seneca Valley/Senior)- District 7
    21. Jack Wisner (Carlisle/Senior)- District 3
    22. Ethan McIntyre (Unionville/Sophomore)- District 1
    23. Brendan Knepper (Mechanicsburg/Senior)- District 3
    24. Ethan Maher (LaSalle/Junior)- District 12
    25. Joey Litvin (Lower Merion/Junior)- District 1
    26. Isaac Valderrabano (Downingtown West/Senior)- District 1
    27. Nathan Grucelski (Conestoga Valley/Senior)- District 3
    28. Luke Klingenberg (Cumberland Valley/Senior)- District 3
    29. Mike Donnelly (Haverford Township/Junior)- District 1
    30. Zack Marmol (Peters Township/Junior)- District 7
    31. Joseph Ozgar (Easton/Senior)- District 11
    32. Bradden Koors (LaSalle/Junior)- District 12
    33. Aiden Barnhill (Downingtown West/Sophomore)- District 1
    34. Joshua Lewin (West Chester East/Junior)- District 1
    35. Cole Driver (Unionville/Senior)- District 1
    36. Peter Consentino (Mount Lebanon/Senior)- District 7
    37. Tyler Clifford (Perkiomen Valley/Junior)- District 1
    38. Owen Isham (State College/Senior)- District 6
    39. Collin Ochs (Council Rock South/Senior)- District 1
    40. Robert O’Brien (Upper St. Clair/Senior)- District 7
    41. Ian Miller (Manheim Township/Senior)- District 3
    42. Linus Blatz (Owen J. Roberts/Senior)- District 1
    43. Alex Shaw (Upper St. Clair/Junior)- District 7
    44. Nicholas Bower (Parkland/Senior)- District 11
    45. Jack Seiberlich (LaSalle/Senior)- District 12
    46. Trentin Overcash (Chambersburg/Senior)- District 3
    47. Tommy Bildheiser (Cedar Crest/Sophomore)- District 3
    48. Josh Christianson (Scanton/Junior)- District 2
    49. Andrew Kollitz (North Allegheny/Sophomore)- District 7
    50. Seth Hoffritz (Great Valley/Senior)- District 1

    1. LaSalle- 95
    2. Downingtown West- 102
    3. North Allegheny- 108
    4. Unionville- 149
    5. Seneca Valley- 164
    6. State College- 176
    7. Mount Lebanon- 190
    8. Haverford- 216
    9. Owen J. Roberts- 249
    10. Council Rock South- 256

    Best of luck to all athletes out there tomorrow. I really hope that this course isn't too much of a mess. Can't wait for the action!

    -Jiminy Cricket

  6. Has any team ever won both the Girls and Boys Championships in the same year like North Allegheny did today?

    1. Not according to the PA Milesplit twitter

    2. If Kinne had transferred to either LaSalle, Dwest, Seneca Valley, Mt Lebo or Unionville, they would have won today. Just sayin.

    3. If Kinne had transferred to any of those other schools, NA would have fallen all the way back to 5th. While LS would have gone to first or held 2nd if any of the other teams got Kinne.

  7. RJJL is a monster.
    No instant reactions from the blog??
    This is why people stop checking in. Sad.


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